A "Natural born citizen" is born of two united States citizens, in the united States. Finally, a no nonsense presentation of verifiable facts: definitions, and the arguments for the definitions, from the authoritative sources who created the requirements for the office of President of the united (not sic) States. Quickly, a citizen is a citizen by birth in the united States, or through naturalization after being a citizen of some other state (like Indonesia). A "born citizen" is not naturalized. A "born citizen" is born in the united States. It is this first condition, "natural", that Resident Obama (Barry Soetoro), born ANYWHERE in the world, even Hawaii, cannot meet. His father was under UK rule and a citizen of Kenya, not the united States. Therefore, with no wiggle room, Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, is not constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President of the United States. Simply, both his parents were not citizens at the time of his birth. Think for yourself. | The Constitution of the united States, Article II Clause 5: Qualifications for officeNo Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. |
Check out this site! http://www.nakamarukaoru.com/profile/indexE.html
The granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru spent her early childhood in the Forbidden Castle in China. While at Columbia University and in graduate school, she furthered her research into international politics and since 1970, as a journalist, has interviewed kings and presidents, prime ministers and business people from many countries, and has given speeches, written books, and appeared on television as a commentator on international political affairs. In 1973, she was acclaimed in the U.S. magazine, Newsweek, as the “World’s No.1 interviewer,” and the Washington Post described her as “one of those rare women in the world with an outstanding international sensitivity.” Later, she was producer, director, and interviewer of her own Japan/U.S. talk show, for which she traveled to war-torn areas around the world and carried out positive discussions with the heads of state of those countries. Among those were Colonel Gadhafi of Libya and then-president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein--figures that were considered hostile by the West. Nakamaru even covered the frontlines during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) and video taken of it was shown to President Hussein who suggested that the war be immediately halted. The images of her broadcast on TV pressing President Hussein with the question “Why is this war being continued?” and asking Colonel Gadhafi, “Are you really a terrorist?” drew strong reactions. From those experiences, she exerted her energy into “personal diplomacy,” serving as a go-between among warring countries, using her own funds. In order to finance her “personal diplomacy,” she bears all expenses. Kaoru’s network of contacts include many “big names” of whom the staff at TV stations say “Even with our connections, there is no way we can approach these people,” and this is linked to the fact that Kaoru, who is not affiliated with any organization, travels the world at her own expense and as a private citizen. Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi, top North Korean leaders, and other important figures that western journalists are unable to meet, talk with her-- the main reason being “Princess Nakamaru is not a person who is moved by personal motives and so we considered a meeting with her.” In response to her personal diplomacy Kaoru established the “International Affairs Institute for World Peace” in New York in 1985, and in 1991, the “Following the Sun Association” was organized for people aspiring toward peace. In doing so, royalty and presidents from various countries as well as cultural figures signed their names to the statement, “I endorse all of your activities,” and these people have been welcomed as advisers and special members. Accordingly, this began in earnest a movement of enlightenment in which the realization of a “one world” policy where the “path of life” is based on mutual understanding and trust, and not on a “one world” policy where the “path of power” is based on military power and tension. Since her days as an interviewer, she has so far traveled to as many as 186 countries. Nakamaru’s aim is for a “world peace through human renaissance. Wealth, fame, power do not make humans happy, as true happiness is borne from a heart filled with love, harmony, and peace. When there is peace within the hearts of each person, from VIPs to average citizens, then world peace is realized. The phrase ”one world” mistakenly conjures up a religious movement, but Nakamaru has absolutely no religion ties. Nakamaru believes in a religion of her own, but does not belong to any group, saying that “The world transcends all the many religions, races, ideologies so there cannot be just one. As for her personal life, in 1966 she married Tadao Nakamaru, an actor who worked with Toshiro Mifune. She has a son and a daughter. In addition, she has maintained a close friendship with South Korea through its former prime minister, Kim Jong-Pil, and with North Korea through the late Kim Il Sung as well as Kim Yong Sun the Secretary of North Korea’s Worker Party (who died in 2003 in a car accident), and has strived to improve relations between Japan and both Koreas as a bridge between the Japanese and Korean governments by bringing about the temporary return of a Japanese woman while at the same time acting as a mediator in bringing about a summit meeting between South and North Korea. Kaoru Nakamaru To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 18:19:19 +0000 Subject: [openvotingSTL] URGENT!! Please support St. Charles County's efforts to go to 100% paper ballots Hi all. As many of you know, the Director of Elections in St. Charles County, Rich Christmer, has proposed to eliminate the use of direct-record, touch-screen, vote-counting machines (DREs) in St. Charles County, and change to a 100% paper ballot system (using ballot marking devices to serve disabled voters), in time for the November election. If his proposal were enacted, it would be a big step in the direction of election transparency in Missouri. Mr. Christmer plans to pay for the ballot marking devices with money saved from HAVA grants--so it would cost the County nothing. Moreover, we know from our research that switching to paper ballots will actually save money: it is much cheaper to conduct elections with paper ballots. HOWEVER, Steve Ehlmann, the St. Charles County Executive, has threatened to veto Mr. Christmer's very sound proposal. This is obviously an issue for all voters in Missouri, so regardless of whether or not you live in St. Charles County, PLEASE help to make St. Charles County DRE-free!! Mr. Christmer asks that we contact the following people: . Steve Ehlmann, St. Charles County Executive, 636-949-7520 ext. 3700; [email protected] . Nancy Matheny, Chair, St. Charles County Council, 636-949-7530; [email protected] . Joe Cronin, Council Member, 636-949-7530; [email protected] . Terry Hollander, Council Member, 636-949-7530; [email protected] Mr. Christmer is working very hard for the cause. He has helped convince 27 MO counties to shift to 100% paper ballots. Let's give him all the help we can!! Thank you. --Cynthia Richards __._,_.___ Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (1) Recent Activity: Visit Your Group Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use . __,_._,___ "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance ---- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." -- Herbert Spencer
Jesse Ventura was denied trial by jury concerning his rights protected in the Bill of Rights because the Federal Courts claimed that federal courts do not have jurisdiction. Jesse is steamed. I am steamed. I want Jesse for President. Do you? The stated standard operating procedure is to make sure that every organization is run by "one of our own." Who said this?
If you know, good for you. If you don't, should you find out? Forget what your ignorance costs you... they have subtlety insured you will NOT feel a pinch yourself... what does your ignorance cost others? More than you realize... which is the point of the strategy... Understand? Agree? disagree? Comment with your real name and contact information, please... this is a real discussion for real people. :) So we start.
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